
Christian Leaders'

Training college

About Us

We will endeavour to ensure spiritual and character formation in the theological training program we offer, and ensure there is a balance between academic excellence and the spirituality of individual students; one aspect must not be emphasised at the expense of the other. We must always maintain the balance, in order to produce quality graduates for the churches in the Pacific. Our contributions to the global church of Jesus Christ are the graduates CLTC produces.

Dr. Maxon Mani

Principal CLTC

Our Vision & Mission

Christian Leaders' Training College is an interdenominational Bible College that provides training to young men and women of Papua New Guinea and the Pacific to be successful Christian leaders in their societies and countries. CLTC is an approved institution of higher education with accreditation from the Department of Higher Education, Science and Technology. Our vision is to develop churches and communities by equipping and enabling Christian leaders spiritually, intellectually, relationally, and professionally for today's world, by:

  1. Integrating spiritual growth, scholarship, ministry and interpersonal skills in an environment of discipleship through the teaching of the Scriptures;
  2. Equipping students in mind and heart;
  3. Based on a Christian world view to live and work as mature servants of Christ in their community, church and mission.

We aim to produce mature disciples of Christ who are equipped for ministry and able to equip others for God's service. This means producing Christian leaders in the sense that they (i) provide a godly example, (ii) have influence over a ministry team or church, and (iii) equip others in those ministries. Each year the College trains about two hundred students at its three campuses by providing Biblical and theological instructions.

Our History

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CLTC was established in 1964 at its main residential campus, situated in the Waghi Valley 8 km west of Banz.

It first began as an extension of the work of the Melbourne Bible Institute (now Melbourne School of Theology). The first intake of students was in February 1965. In August 1973, the College was incorporated in PNG under the Papua New Guinea Associations Incorporation Ordinance. At that time, the control of the College was transferred from the Council of Australia to a new Council based in PNG. J. Oswald Sanders recorded the history of the College in his book, Planting Men in Melanesia which is available in the College library.

During the 1970s and 80s, the towns and cities of PNG grew rapidly. This brought a new challenge to the Church- that of reaching towns and cities with the gospel and of establishing strong churches which are able to minister effectively in the changing urban situation. CLTC saw the need for developing effective leadership for these tasks and thus the college established a centre at Lae in 1984 and at Port Moresby in 1986.

CLTC’s theological programs have continued to develop to meet the growing demands of strong Christian leadership within PNG and the Pacific region, together with academic excellence. In 2010 the College was granted accreditation by the commission for Higher Education.

The Master of Theology program was introduced and the first students graduated in 2012. This became a full-time program at the Banz campus in 2013.  

Papua New Guinea

PO Box 45 Banz, Jiwaka Province
Phone: 675 546 1001
Mobile: Digicel (+675) 7456 6529
Bmobile (+675) 7637 0309
Email: cltc@cltc.ac.pg; registrar@cltc.ac.pg

Email: bruceandretta@renich.org
New Zealand

PO Box 68208, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142 Russell Thorp
Mobile: +6421 481 088
Email: admin@beaconpartnership.org.nz

5 Burwood Hwy, Wantirna, VIC 3152
Phone: (03) 9881 7800
Email: cltc@mst.edu.au
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