Christian Leaders'

Training college

Lae Campus

Located at Bowerbird Road, China Town

Courses Offered

Bachelor of Theology (Part-time)

The Bachelor of Theology (BTh) program aims to train students to become aware of theological, church, community and social issues in the Pacific region today and to equip students to evaluate these matters from an evangelical Biblical viewpoint. Students will develop skills in applying and communicating their Biblical knowledge to meet the spiritual, cultural, development and ministry needs of our modern world.

Advanced Diploma in Ministry (Part/Full-time)

The Advanced Diploma of Ministry is a full-time program available at Banz, Port Moresby and Lae campuses. It combines a study of the text and theology of the Bible plus personal discipleship and ministry skills.The Advanced Diploma of Ministry provides a broad training of biblical and ministry competencies. Graduates from this program are expected to go into a variety of leadership positions in local churches and other Christian organisations or to take responsible roles within business or community, reflecting Christian values and integrity.

Advanced Diploma in Christian Studies

This is an award which offers an integrated and flexible program of biblical, theological and ministry training for students who have demonstrated ability and success in studying at degree level. The Graduate Diploma of Christian Studies prepares students to continue working in their current vocation or to pursue additional theological training.

Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies

The Advanced Diploma of Ministry is a full-time program available at Banz, Port Moresby and Lae campuses. It combines a study of the text and theology of the Bible plus personal discipleship and ministry skills.The Advanced Diploma of Ministry provides a broad training of biblical and ministry competencies. Graduates from this program are expected to go into a variety of leadership positions in local churches and other Christian organisations or to take responsible roles within business or community, reflecting Christian values and integrity.


Get it touch with our representative from Lae campus

Simon Minigamba | Dean

Papua New Guinea

PO Box 45 Banz, Jiwaka Province
Phone: 675 546 1001
Mobile: Digicel (+675) 7456 6529
Bmobile (+675) 7637 0309

New Zealand

PO Box 68208, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142 Russell Thorp
Mobile: +6421 481 088

5 Burwood Hwy, Wantirna, VIC 3152
Phone: (03) 9881 7800