
Christian Leaders'

Training college

Job Vacancies

1. Agriculture Teacher

A faculty member specialising in farming and small animal production is needed for the Community Transformation Advanced Diploma at the Banz Campus of Christian Leaders' Training College. The College has a 162-hectare farm with a diversity of agricultural activities. Some of the teaching will be in the classroom and some will be out in the farm with different projects. This includes mentoring of students. Applicants should have at least a Bachelor degree in agriculture and have some teaching experience.

Applications close on 13th December 2024

Interested parties should contact the HR Manager, Titus Namunu, for application forms and job descriptions.



Papua New Guinea

PO Box 45 Banz, Jiwaka Province
Phone: 675 546 1001
Mobile: Digicel (+675) 7456 6529
Bmobile (+675) 7637 0309
Email: cltc@cltc.ac.pg; registrar@cltc.ac.pg

Email: bruceandretta@renich.org
New Zealand

PO Box 68208, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142 Russell Thorp
Mobile: +6421 481 088
Email: admin@beaconpartnerships.org.nz

5 Burwood Hwy, Wantirna, VIC 3152
Phone: (03) 9881 7800
Email: cltc@mst.edu.au
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