Christian Leaders'

Training college

Advanced Diploma Studies

Advanced Diploma of Ministry

The Advanced Diploma of Ministry is a full-time program available at Banz, Port Moresby and Lae campuses. It combines a study of the text and theology of the Bible plus personal discipleship and ministry skills.The Advanced Diploma of Ministry provides a broad training of biblical and ministry competencies. Graduates from this program are expected to go into a variety of leadership positions in local churches and other Christian organisations or to take responsible roles within business or community, reflecting Christian values and integrity.

  • To provide an advanced diploma in Christian ministry in and for the Melanesian context.

  • To serve the church in Melanesia by equipping its current and emerging leaders with skills in Bible, theology and ministry.

  • To nurture a passion for God and his gospel and a growing character of godliness and humility.

  • To develop the capacity of Christians to interpret and teach the Scriptures in a way that is true to its meaning and relevant to the lives of people. 

  • To equip students for pastoral work, evangelism, children’s ministry, and leadership of churches and organisations.

  • To provide a pathway for suitably gifted graduates to go on to higher levels of study. 

Anyone can apply.

Following the PNG National Qualifications Framework, first year courses in the Advanced Diploma are taught at Level 5 and year two and three courses are taught at Level 6. All courses comply with national requirements for advanced diploma studies at this level. Students who have completed a Certificate in Bible and Ministry or one year of equivalent study and have a high level of English may be exempted the first year of the Advanced Diploma program.

It is a three years training program.

The course structure for the Advanced Diploma of Ministry is shown below. Short descriptions of each course are provided in section 9 of the Prospectus.

Year 1 Curriculum (134 credits)

  • Bible Introduction & Grand Narrative (24)

  • Discipleship (12)

  • Introduction to Ministry (8)

  • Melanesian Worldview and Ministry Context (8)

  • Ministry Placements (10)

  • English 1 & 2 (32)

  • Marriage & Family (8)

  • Computing (12)
  • Community Based Learning (12)


Year 2 Curriculum (134 credits)

  • Bible Exegesis and Exposition 1 (Genesis and 2 Samuel) (16)

  • Bible Exegesis and Exposition 2 (Matthew) (8)

  • Spiritual Formation (8)

  • Children and Youth Ministry (8)

  • Sunday School and Religious Instruction (8)

  • Evangelism and Spiritual Warfare (8)

  • Public Speaking and Preaching (8)

  • Intro to Community Transformation (8)
  • Pastoral Practice (8) OR Ministry to Women (8)
  • Worship and Service Leading (8)
  • Eight-Week Practicum (28)
  • Ministry Placements (8)
  • Community Based Learning (10)


Year 3 Curriculum (134 credits)

  • Bible Exegesis and Exposition 3 (Hosea and Psalms (16)

  • Bible Exegesis and Exposition 4 (Acts and Galatians (16)

  • Godly Living (8)

  • Theology 1 (16)

  • Theology 2 (16)

  • Leadership Principles & Practice (8)

  • Cell Group Leadership (8)

  • Church Administration (8)

  • Teaching Principles and Practice (8)

  • TEE & Bible Study Leading (8)

  • Ministry Placements (10)

Advanced Diploma of Community Transformation

The Advanced Diploma of Community Transformation aims to equip students for a holistic ministry in the church and community. It combines Bible training and the skills of community facilitation. The training includes assessment of the needs of a community, project management, rice production, meat chicken production and business skills.

CLTC has a 400-acre farm with beef, poultry, pigs, rice and vegetable production and has considerable expertise in both agricultural and theological training.

The Advanced Diploma of Community Transformation had some courses combined with students in the Advanced Diploma of Ministry program. But at least 50 percent of the courses are unique to the program dealing with the principles and practices of community facilitation. Many of the graduates will work in the church, while others will work for government and NGOs.

  • To enable students and their churches to be agents of integral mission, taking the whole Gospel to the whole person in the whole community. 

  • To equip students to act as holistic community leaders and facilitators in a Melanesian context.

  • To provide Biblical and practical foundations in project and business skills appropriate to the local and community level.

  • To equip students to manage small farming enterprises, and to train their communities in improved farming methods.

  • To give students a foundation for degree-level and postgraduate study.

Anyone can apply.

Following the PNG National Qualifications Framework, first year courses in the Advanced Diploma are taught at level 5 and year two and three courses are taught at level 6. All courses comply with national requirements for advanced diploma studies at this level. Students who have completed a Certificate in Bible and have a high level of English may be exempted the first year of the Advanced Diploma program.

It is a three years training program.

The course structure for the Advanced Diploma of Community Transformation is shown below. Short descriptions of each course are provided in section 9 of this Prospectus.


Year 1 Curriculum (134 credits)

  • Bible Introduction and Grand Narrative (24)

  • Discipleship (12)

  • Melanesian Worldview and Ministry Context (8)

  • Farming Practice 1 (8)

  • Ministry Placements (10)

  • English 1 & 2 (32)

  • Study Methods (8)

  • Marriage & Family (8)
  • Computing (12)
  • Community Based Learning (12)


Year 2 Curriculum (134 credits)

  • Bible Exegesis and Exposition 1 (Genesis and 2 Samuel) (16)

  • Bible Exegesis and Exposition 2 (Matthew) (8)

  • Spiritual Formation (8)

  • Intro to Community Transformation (8)

  • Community Project Skills (8)

  • Holistic Community Practice 1 (8)

  • Health & Hygiene (8)

  • The Community Worker (8)
  • Peace-Building (8)
  • Farming Practice 2 (16)
  • Eight-Week Practicum (28)
  • Ministry Placements (8) 
  • Community Based Learning (10)


Year 3 Curriculum (134 credits)

  • Bible Exegesis and Exposition 4 (Acts and Galatians (16)

  • Godly Living (8)

  • Children and Youth Ministry (8) OR Teaching Principles/Practice (8)

  • Sunday School and Religious Instruction (8) OR TEE & Bible Study Leading (8)

  • Leadership Principles & Practice (8)

  • Cell Group Leadership (8)

  • Holistic Community Practice 2 (8)

  • Business Skills 1 (8)

  • Business Skills 2 (16)

  • Farming Practice 3 (24)

  • Ministry Placements (10)
  • Community Based Learning (12)

For More Information

Download the Prospectus

Contact the Admissions Office

Papua New Guinea

PO Box 45 Banz, Jiwaka Province
Phone: 675 546 1001
Mobile: Digicel (+675) 7456 6529
Bmobile (+675) 7637 0309

New Zealand

PO Box 68208, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142 Russel Thorp
Mobile: +6421 481 088

5 Burwood Hwy, Wantirna, VIC 3152
Phone: (03) 9881 7800